Welcome to Euro Footy Skills

Unleash Your Potential with Professional Guidance

I’m Tomasz Mroz, a former professional soccer player with international experience. Injuries cut my career short, but they ignited my passion for coaching. Now, I’m dedicated to helping you achieve your soccer dreams.

Personalized Training and Mentoring

At Euro Footy Skills, I offer individualized training programs designed to improve your skills, confidence, and mental strength. Whether you’re aiming for elite play or simply want to enhance your game, I’m here to help you reach your full potential.

Your Transformation Awaits

Master the fundamentals, command the ball, and elevate your game with tailored training sessions. Euro Footy Skills will take you beyond your expectations, making you stand out on the field.

Join the Euro Footy Skills Revolution

Explore our offerings, read success stories, and take the first step toward becoming the player you’ve always envisioned. Ready to rewrite your soccer destiny? 

Let’s get started!


My son gives Coach Tomasz high marks, lauding his relatability and the fact that he’s becoming a better player as a result of working with him.


15 year old son Luke


He is very knowledgeable and professional. My daughter was completely comfortable with working with him and looked forward to her training sessions. He help my daughter build her skills and confidence!


10 year old daughter Zoey


Mastering Euro Footy Skills: Unveiling a Unique Training Approach

Welcome to a realm of soccer training that goes beyond the ordinary. I bring you the Euro Footy Skills way — a methodology forged from my personal experiences as a player and a deep understanding of what truly works on the field.

Unlocking Your Potential Through Practical Wisdom

What sets Euro Footy Skills apart is that I don’t just instruct, I immerse. Having navigated the world of soccer across different continents, I’ve gained insights that textbooks can’t convey. I’ve actually executed these drills and sessions, learning from each instance to craft an approach that delivers results.

The Foundation for Excellence

In this pursuit of excellence, a solid foundation is paramount. Players need more than ambition; they need a mastery of fundamental skills that form the backbone of a stellar player:

• Passing: The art of precision and teamwork that propels the game forward.

• Dribbling: The dance with the ball that leaves defenders bewildered.

• Control/Trapping: The finesse that transforms even the fiercest passes into a player’s ally.

• Shooting: The moment of glory that can turn the tide of a match.

• Movement on/off & to the ball: The choreography of positioning that ensures you’re never out of sync.

Pillars of Soccer Mastery

Imagine these skills as the pillars holding up the grand structure of soccer mastery. They aren’t just techniques; they’re the essence of the beautiful game. With Euro Footy Skills, you’re not just learning skills — you’re imbibing the essence of soccer itself.

So, are you ready to step onto the path of mastery? Embrace the Euro Footy Skills journey, where the basics aren’t merely brushed upon but meticulously perfected. Let’s shape your soccer destiny, brick by brick, skill by skill, until you stand atop the pillars as a true maestro of the field.


I’m at Kenny soccer program with him & I definitely see a major improvement in his footwork. Thank you so much!


8 year old son Kenny


Mason wanted me to let you know his team won the championship in his tournament, and he was MVP of the first game. He said the training last week was the best one so far. That he's getting better all thanks to you! 


10 year old son Mason


Achieving Holistic Excellence: Beyond the Field

True mastery of the game extends far beyond the soccer pitch. To become an elite athlete, you must embrace a comprehensive approach that nurtures every facet of your being. Euro Footy Skills isn’t just about skills on the field; it’s about cultivating a balanced and high-performing lifestyle.

The Symphony of Success

Picture your journey to greatness as a symphony, with each element playing a crucial note. Here’s the ensemble that contributes to your harmonious success:

• Nutritionist Diet: Fueling your body with the right nutrients is like tuning your instrument perfectly. A well-balanced diet lays the foundation for peak performance.

• Weight Training: Strengthening your physique isn’t just about power; it’s about building resilience and fortitude. Weight training molds you into a player of unwavering stature.

• Skill/Ball Work: Just as a musician practices scales, you refine your skills through dedicated ball work. Mastery is an ongoing symphony of touches and finesse.

• Recovery/Rest/Massages: Recovery is your rejuvenating interlude between sessions. Massages and rest orchestrate your body’s revival, ensuring you return to the field with renewed vigor.

• Mental Health/Stress: Your mind is the conductor of this symphony. Mental health isn’t a side note; it’s the core melody that dictates your performance. Managing stress ensures your mind remains clear and focused.

• Sleep: Sleep is the grand finale, the crescendo that brings your entire composition to life. It’s where your body and mind reconcile, preparing you for the encore.

The Essence of Elite Performance

Harmony lies in balance. To achieve your best, these elements must harmonize seamlessly. Balancing training, recovery, sleep, and nutrition forms the rhythmic backbone of your pursuit. It’s the way you compose a life that honors your aspirations and honors your body—a vessel that must be revered.

Your Temple of Potential

You are not just an athlete; you’re a guardian of your temple. Nourish it, nurture it, and guard it fiercely. This holistic dedication to your well-being transforms you into a high-functioning elite athlete—one who redefines excellence on and off the field.

At Euro Footy Skills, we orchestrate this symphony of greatness, ensuring you’re not just a player but a maestro of your destiny. Join us in this journey to elevate not only your game but your entire being.


Great coach with excellent teaching points and positive attitude. Solid mentor, pushing players to be the best in order to reach the next level.


16 year old son Ethan


Coach Tomasz is great! Just after the first session my son has learned so many new things in just one hour. My son cannot wait till his next session with him! Highly recommend! Very nice, knowledgeable, and patient.


7 year old Son Kai


Elevate Your Game: The Power of 1-on-1 Training

In the realm of soccer development, there’s a transformative journey that only 1-on-1 training can offer. It’s not just about honing skills; it’s about cultivating a mindset, building character, and discovering untapped potential. At Euro Footy Skills, we believe that this personalized path is the bridge to becoming the best version of yourself on and off the field.

A Portal to Self-Enhancement

1-on-1 training is more than a session; it’s a passage to personal growth. Here, players are not merely trained; they’re crafted. This unique experience lays the foundation for not just being a player, but embodying the traits of a champion.

The Wisdom of Experience Shared

Imagine having a mentor who walked the path of professional soccer. Someone who’s been in the trenches, who understands the challenges and triumphs. 1-on-1 training offers you the chance to glean from this treasure trove of experience. The insights, the lessons, the nuances—all woven into your journey.

Beneath the Spotlight

When you train 1-on-1, the spotlight is yours alone. Every skill, every move, every question—it’s met with undivided attention. This isn’t just about honing strengths; it’s about meticulously chiseling away weaknesses. Your game becomes the masterpiece in focus.

More Than Touches on the Ball

1-on-1 training is a dance between mentor and student, a symphony of guidance and learning. With every touch of the ball, you’re rewriting your story. Every moment is an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, to experiment, to evolve.

Confidence & Beyond

The benefits unfurl beyond the field’s boundaries. Confidence blossoms, discipline takes root, and a strong mental fortitude is forged. It’s not just about improving in one aspect; it’s about refining every facet of your play and life.

Crafting a Unique Path to Excellence

1-on-1 training isn’t a mere concept; it’s a tried and tested path that professionals follow. The very athletes at the pinnacle of their careers—the ones who earn a living doing what they love—these are the torchbearers of 1-on-1 training’s efficacy.

Unleash the Unseen

It’s not just about becoming a better player; it’s about becoming a better you. 1-on-1 training reveals talents you didn’t know you possessed. It infuses the game with joy, excitement, and relentless pursuit. Euro Footy Skills is the key that unlocks your potential, ushering you into a realm where limits are shattered and dreams become reality.


My daughter was visiting Baltimore for the summer and wanted to continue her soccer training while away. Coach Tomasz was very flexible and accommodating with her schedule and it was very convenient because he could travel to her for her one on one sessions.

From the very beginning, Coach Tomasz asked what her goals were, assessed her skills on the first session. He then came up with a program that focused on improving her goals but also added skills which he thought she needed to work on. Coach Tomasz focused on my daughter's technical skills and finishing. To make it interesting for her, he changed up the drills and added more skills after each session, but, there was also an element of the drills that were consistent each time to work on her muscle memory. After each training, he checked up on her to make sure she was okay and sent us feedback on how the session went.

Coach Tomasz can relate well to kids and cares about his students in a wholistic way.


15 year old daughter Isabelle


Coach Tomasz was very knowledgeable. My son walked away with a lot of useful information and even got homework before his next session.


14 year old son Julius


Your Soccer Journey, Elevated: How I Can Support You

Embarking on a journey of growth and transformation requires more than just a goal—it requires a plan, a mentor, and a support system. At Euro Footy Skills, I offer a range of opportunities designed to help you evolve into the player you’ve always aspired to be.

1-on-1 Sessions: The Heart of Progress

For those in Baltimore, MD, the opportunity for face-to-face growth awaits. Through personalized 1-on-1 sessions, I’ll be by your side, crafting tailored strategies to enhance your skills, fortify your mental game, and nurture your passion for the sport.

Virtual Access, Real Results

But distance won’t deter your progress. With my private app, the journey transcends borders. Accessible on smartphones, computers, laptops, and tablets, this digital avenue becomes your conduit to excellence. No matter where you are, I’m with you—guiding, inspiring, and tracking your progress.

Nutrition & Fitness: Your Holistic Arsenal

To conquer the field, you need more than skill; you need a body primed for victory. That’s where my custom nutrition and fitness plans come into play. Updated weekly, these plans aren’t just templates—they’re living, breathing blueprints designed around your needs and goals. Habit tracking, sleep monitoring, and more—every element is intricately woven into your journey.

Personalization: Your North Star

No two players are alike, and that’s why every offering at Euro Footy Skills is grounded in personalization. Whether you’re on the field or off, every strategy, every lesson, every interaction is tailored to you. Your needs and aspirations are our guiding lights.

Together, We Rise

Your journey to excellence isn’t one you take alone. With Euro Footy Skills, you’re part of a community—a collective that’s dedicated to pushing boundaries, amplifying skills, and reaching for new heights. My commitment to your growth knows no bounds; your success is my triumph.

So, whether it’s the fields of Baltimore, the screens of your devices, or the aspirations within you, I’m here to nurture your journey. Let’s walk this path of soccer evolution together—unlocking your potential and uncovering the extraordinary within.


Great first start! I’m excited to work at home and continue!


18 year old player


My son really enjoyed his lesson with coach Tomasz. I would recommend him to anyone.


16 year old son Liam


Current Offerings:



In person 60 minute session with me 1 on 1.

  • Private one on one session
  • Working on Weakness/Strengths
  • Personalized Evaluation
  • Educating player
  • Drills / skills / footwork / technique / speed / agility

Online Fitness & Nutritional Coaching

Custom exercise & diet plans through private exclusive app. With many features!

  • Grocery list/recipes/meal & workout plans updated weekly
  • Accountability & Daily check ins
  • Set goals & habits & reminders
  • Customized to your goals & needs
  • Videos demonstrating & explaining

Euro Footy Skills Academy

Coming Soon!

  • Online soccer development course
  • Progressive modules to follow at your own pace
  • Drills you can do alone
  • Detailed video library
  • Accessible by smartphone
  • Exposure & help with career goals
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